This was a NATO Conference in Prague from 18 to 23 October 2010

Here is a close up of the attractive city core

The NATO group were comprised of members that I have been meeting with off and on since 2004. Some have left and come back and some, like me, have been there as long as I have been there.

This is a picture of the whole group (I am the one in the brown coat wearing a patriotic Canadian flag-tie)

Here is smaller working group.

Breakfast at the Diplomat Hotel

On 17 October 2010

On the 17th I went around prague. Cysehrad was on the south of this map and Prague Castle to the north. The reason there are no lines connecting the two is that I took the subway.

We'll start with the southern portion of my walk (see map)

The first place I went to visit was Vyšehrad and its surrounding area : click here

The next place was the surrounding area of Prague castle- click here

On 18 October 2010

This was a busy day on the schedule and I did not go forth to the city

19 October 2010

We all had a Meet & Greet at a location of an old (I guess everything is relative) "castle". We then went on a tour of the location.

Click here to see our Meet and Greet

20 October 2010

I was determined to go out and do a little sight seeing. Too many things to see and I wanted to be part of this city. Culture is what makes every city different. This display of meat was something that stuck out in my mind. See the great city that I saw,click here

21 October 2010

A guard at the Prague Castle

This day we went on the "cultural tour" of the Prague Castle. We were escorted in locations where tourists do not normally go. See our tour, Click Here.

Also a very nice guy that I have become friends with brought his wife Frederike, Lorenzo and Roberto

22 October 2010

Soldiers fighting on Charles Bridge

This was basically my last day. As you can tell by the map, I walked alot and tried to cover all the items that were on my list! Click here

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